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Working on new blog posts!

19 Mar



Benefit Goodies!

11 Mar



You’re a Lush!

19 Feb


This was my first time venturing into the oft hyped Lush. All I really wanted was a lip scrub, but once I crossed the threshold, I was an easy target for the friendly but pushy sales team. I hope to review some I these soon, any favorites?

17 Feb

Splurge or Save?

17 Feb

Like many makeup lovers and beauty junkies, I love a bargain. There are some things I just can’t bring myself to splurge on when it comes to cosmetics. For example…

Mascara, I have to replace my mascara quite often, as I wear contacts and once had the sad misfortune of using an old mascara and ending up with a very nasty eye infection! Lesson learned! I prefer drugstore versions, such as Cover Girl Lash Perfection or Lash Blast Fusion. Both great formulas and I can get both for under the cost of a higher end product.

Brow pencils and powders are another area where I choose to save. Now I own and love the Urban Decay Honey Pot brow kit, but it’s not much better then my Rimmel pencil or Elf powder.

Now, there are areas where I spend and will not feel guilty about the splurge!

Skin care…this is your face! You only get one and taking care of your skin is the best thing you can do. I get some things through my doctor, but I also do research into products that I know are beneficial. Eye creams, moisturizers and anti-aging treatments are definitely worth the expense! Origins, Benefit and Clinique are all winners for me and have a broad range of products suitable for almost anyone. Currently I am obsessed with my Origins Intensives Drink Up overnight sleeping mask. This has saved me during these dry winter months and really improved the look of my skin in the morning.

Another area I splurge in is primers. I have tried drugstore versions and the result is never as good. I love Laura Mercier and Benefit the best. Skin is perfected and makeup lasts all day.

What about you? When do you splurge or save? I would love to hear!


Makeup Always Fits

14 Feb


Love is in the Air!

14 Feb

Happy Valentine’s Day beauty lovers! No better reason to be pink and red and sparkly! Let your girl flag fly today! Even if you are…gulp…single, remember Makeup Always Fits! Put on some red lipstick, paint your nails pink and add some glitter. Most of all, smile and know that it’s only one day.


Never Lose Your Sparkle

9 Feb


What Do You Mean, Makeup Always Fits?

9 Feb

Today was one of those days. It was difficult to get out of bed, none of my clothes felt comfortable, the weather was awful…

I could have hit snooze an extra time, but I thought I would make the best of things and get myself together. I used a luminizing primer. I painted my nails bright red, a nice pop of color and life against an otherwise dreary day. I was tired, but after a little makeup, and a little polish, my pants felt a little better, my hair seemed to lay smoother and the day seemed just a bit brighter. It may seem silly and maybe it is, but if a swipe of red nail polish and some mascara can pep me up, I say bring on the makeup and bring on the silly.

The Allure of The Drugstore…

5 Feb

What is it about girls and the drugstore? The drugstore used to be the place we went to pick up medicine, a pack of gum or an emergency gallon of milk. Now the drugstore has become a mecca for makeup junkies and beauty lovers. The aisles are filled with brands we all know, and grew up with, classics like Revlon, Loreal, Maybelline, inexpensive nostalgic stand by, Wet and Wild, and those lesser known, but none the less fabulous, Rimmell and Julie G. Seemingly every week, there are new items coming, making bigger and better promises. 24 hour foundation! 500% more lash volume! Even glossier finish! And, guess what? I fall for all the claims, I love walking into my local drugstore and being taken in by the latest and greatest products. I know I am not alone in my addiction, there is entire beauty community that feels the same way and further fuels my addiction.

I would write more, but I need to run to the drugstore…
